
if you are a destiel fandom content creator and are comfortable filling out an spreadsheet’s worth of (entirely optional) info, click here.

why the spreadsheet? well, I saw a mutual complain about losing their fanbase, and tbh I have similar worries – it took me a while to get to the number of followers I have! and I don’t want to lose that!

so if you create content for the destiel fandom*, then you’re welcome to fill this form with as many details as you’re comfortable sharing. remember, only share stuff you’re comfortable having known to people. if you want to specify that something is available upon request, put AOR in that field

the form has space for every social media that I could think of (+ a field for any I might have missed) and it basically exists so the fandom doesn’t lose track of content creators, and so that content creators get a head start on new platforms without having to rebuild their fanbase from mutuals and scratch.

entirely optional, but public access, so please be careful!

note: you can add your friends/mutuals if they’re okay with it. please make sure that they are.

it looks like tumblr is going the way of the wolves. creators are already beginning to drop left and right. we can’t lose each other. please SIGNAL BOOST this and get this out into the fandom before it is too late.

*what counts as content? original posts. headcanons, meta, round robins, fics, art, rec lists, edits, playlists. if you’re a moderator (or have ever been a moderator) please add that too—moderating is valuable!

lastly, please consider reblogging this post for maximum visibility: the link means it’s not going to show up in search results

blog export seems to have frozen, import to wordpress has frozen and won’t let me restart because it thinks it’s still importing, and i can’t tell which of my posts may have been flagged nsfw unless i view them on my dashboard but when i click to view on the dashboard i just see my fucking dash, not the post. and although i can view my whole blog on the dashboard, the search function does not work so i can’t go through my art tag that way… goddammit tumblr

ugh I’m pretty sure I’m getting sick… which means this week is gonna suck ass because I had planned to use every last bit of my accumulated time off for the days between christmas and new year’s day, giving me 11 days in a row with no work. I could always take a sick day and take one less day off… but man, I don’t wanna do that, I want my 11 days off 😦